
If you have never heard/read the book “Captivating” by John and Stasi Eldredge and it’s amazing! I just started reading it and only got through the first two chapters and I am already loving it! It’s all about the mystery of the heart of women. They also wrote a book called, “Wild at Heart”, which is all about the heart of men, which I’m sure is amazing as well. But, being a women, I chose to read this one first.

They start the book off by talking about how the mystery of the desires of a woman’s heart is a good thing and that they should not be ashamed of their desires. I don’t know about you, but I know that I long for affirmation from others. But I always feel silly or stupid for wanting that, because I am supposed to find my worth in God and not people or things of this world.

But even with this truth, women feel unseen, unsought, and uncertain. They feel unseen by even people that they feel closest with, that no one has the desire to pursue them, and uncertain of who they are and what it even means to be a woman. They feel this way because everyone has missed the heart of women.


The heart of women was created as a reflection of God’s heart. Women want to be romanced, want to be fought for, want to reveal their beauty, and long to be irreplaceable. Even if you don’t think you feel that way, deep down your heart truly desires these things, and that is because these are the things that God desires too! Women’s hearts were created to bear the image of God’s heart, therefore what we desire is what He desires.

God created women this way when He created Eve. God created everything, and as He did this, each creation became more and more complex and mysterious. Once He was nearing the end of creation, He made Eve. He chose to make her last. Not Adam, but Eve. Eve was made last for a reason. She is God’s “finishing touch”, His “piece de resistance”. God chose to make Eve, and therefore all women, the most intricate and fascinating creatures. Eve filled a place in the world that nothing or no one else could fulfill. This is because Eve bears the image of God and through creating her, God revealed a part of himself to us. His desires are seen in the hearts of women, and therefore their hearts are a mystery to be explored and rejoiced in.

The world desperately needs the light buried in the hearts of women.

I can only begin to touch on all of the amazing things that they talk about in this book. It is so full of wisdom, and I could sit here and try to explain everything myself, OR you could just go and read the book yourself! (which would benefit both you and I a lot more!) I promise that it will not be a waste of your time and it will really open your eyes to understanding both the heart of God and women. So get to it:)

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